
© 1996 - 2012 PFPC
(NOTE: This table was originally published in 1998. The links are no longer active)

see also: History

“Though apparently vague and non-specific, most of the symptoms of fluoride toxicity point towards some kind of profound metabolic dysfunction, and are strikingly similar to the symptoms of Hypothyroidism.”
(Dental Fluorosis Medical Module, Case Study for the 4th Year Course in Ecosystem Health at UWO - University of Western Ontario, 2002)



(Iodine Deficiency Disorders)

  • Abnormal Sweating (18)
  • Abnormal Sweating (154, 155, 156)
  • Acne (2,3)
  • Acne (52)
  • ADHD/Learning Disorders (4,7)
  • ADHD/Learning Disorders (54)
  • Allergies (2)
  • Allergies (52)
  • Alopecia (Hair-loss)(18)
  • Alopecia (151)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease (5,6,46)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease (98)
  • Anaphylactic Shock (2)
  • Anaphylactic Shock (124)
  • Anemia (15)
  • Anemia (67)
  • Apnea (Cessation of breath)
  • Apnea (52)
  • Aorta Calcification (2)
  • Aorta Calcification (100)
  • Asthenia (Weakness) (18)
  • Asthenia (97)
  • Asthma (2)
  • Asthma (129)
  • Atherosclerosis (3)
  • Atherosclerosis (59)
  • Arthralgia (2)
  • Arthralgia (58)
  • Arthritis (8, 13)
  • Arthritis (52, 58)
  • Ataxia (2)
  • Ataxia (66)
  • Autism (169)
  • Autism (170, 171)
  • Back Pain (2)
  • Back Pain (153)
  • Behavioural Problems (3)
  • Behavioural Problems (54)
  • Birth Defects (5)
  • Birth Defects (53)
  • Blind Spots (3)
  • Blind Spots (52)
  • Body temperature disturbances (13)
  • Body temperature disturbances (52)
  • Breast Cancer (5)
  • Breast Cancer (147)
  • Cachexia (wasting away)(2)
  • Cachexia (133)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (5)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (52)
  • Cataracts (2)
  • Cataracts (69)
  • Change in blood pressure(=/-) (2)
  • Change in blood pressure (52)
  • Chest pain (26)
  • Chest pain (52)
  • Cholelithiasis (Gallstones)(2)
  • Cholelithiasis (134)
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (2)
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (52)
  • Collagen breakdown (3)
  • Collagen Breakdown (99)
  • Cold Shivers (13)
  • Cold Shivers (52)
  • Coma (1,3)
  • Coma (65)
  • Concentration Inability (13,8)
  • Concentration Inability (52)
  • Constipation (52)
  • Constipation (52)
  • Convulsions (2)
  • Convulsions (81)
  • Crying easily for no apparent reason (18)
  • Crying easily for no apparent reason (52)
  • Death (3)
  • Death (123)
  • Decrease in Testosterone (32)
  • Decrease in Testosterone (96)
  • Dementia (2)
  • Dementia (54)
  • Demyelinizing Diseases (2, 35)
  • Demyelinizing Diseases (137)
  • Dental Abnormalities (2)
  • Dental Abnormalities (86)
  • Dental Arch smaller (27)
  • Dental Arch smaller (95)
  • Dentral Crowding (23)
  • Dental Crowding (93)
  • Dental enamel more porous (29)
  • Dental enamel more porous (96)
  • Dentral Fluorosis (Mottling of teeth)
  • Mottling of teeth (172)
  • Delayed Eruption of Teeth (28)
  • Delayed Eruption of Teeth (86)
  • Depression (8)
  • Depression (52, 97, 152)
  • Diabetes Insipidus (36a,b)
  • Diabetes Insipidus (120)
  • Diabetes Mellitus (2)
  • Diabetes Mellitus (64)
  • Diarrhea (8)
  • Diarrhea (53)
  • Dizziness (8,13)
  • Dizziness (52)
  • Down Syndrome (10)
  • Down Syndrome (54)
  • Dry Mouth (2)
  • Dry Mouth (52)
  • Dyspepsia (8)
  • Dyspepsia (157)
  • Dystrophy (3)
  • Dystrophy (79)
  • Early/Delayed Onset of Puberty(14)
  • Early/Delayed Onset of Puberty (53)
  • Eczema (2)
  • Eczema (115, 116)
  • Edema(3)
  • Edema (97)
  • Epilepsy (2)
  • Epilepsy (121)
  • Eosinophilia (15)
  • Eosinophilia (55)
  • Excessive Sleepiness (8)
  • Excessive Sleepiness (52)
  • Eye, ear and nose disorders (8)
  • Eye, ear and nose disorders (52)
  • Fatigue (2,13)
  • Fatigue (52)
  • Fearfulness (1,18)
  • Fearfulness (71)
  • Fever (13)
  • Fever (96)
  • Fibromyalgia (2)
  • Fibromyalgia (143)
  • Fibrosarcoma (3)
  • Fibrosarcoma (144)
  • Fibrosis (3)
  • Fibrosis (76a,b)
  • Fingernails:Lines/Grooves (1)
  • Fingernails:Lines/Grooves (97)
  • Fingernails:Brittle (1,3)
  • Fingernails:Brittle (97)
  • Forgetfulness (3)
  • Forgetfulness (97)
  • Gastro-disturbances (8)
  • Gastro-disturbances (52)
  • Gastric Ulcers (2)
  • Gastric Ulcers (92)
  • Giant Cell Formation
  • Giant Cell Formation (135)
  • Gingivitis (19, 173)
  • Gingivitis (72)
  • Glaucoma (174)
  • Glaucoma (175)
  • Goitre (2)
  • Goitre (52)
  • Growth Disturbances (1)
  • Growth Disturbances (53)
  • Headache (2)
  • Headache (118)
  • Hearing Loss (5)
  • Hearing Loss (165)
  • Heart Disorders
  • Heart Disorders (52)
  • Heart Failure (3)
  • Heart Failure (109, 110)
  • Heart Palpitations (13)
  • Heart Palpitations (52)
  • Hepatitis (2)
  • Hepatitis (136)
  • Hemorrhage (1,2)
  • Hemorrhage (85)
  • Hives (3)
  • Hives (108)
  • Hoarseness (18)
  • Hoarseness (97)
  • Hyperparathyroidism (2)
  • Hyperparathyroidism (82)
  • Hypertension (8)
  • Hypertension (52, 60)
  • Hypoplasia (40)
  • Hypoplasia (150)
  • Immunosuppression (3)
  • Immunosuppression (52)
  • Impotence (3)
  • Impotence (97)
  • Incoherence (8)
  • Incoherence (54)
  • Infertility (2,3)
  • Infertility (87)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (142)
  • Inner Ear Disorders (2,5)
  • Inner Ear Disorders (139)
  • Irritability (18)
  • Irritability (160)
  • Joint Pains (8)
  • Joint Pains (52)
  • Kidney Failure (2)
  • Kidney Failure (125)
  • Lack of Energy (8)
  • Lack of Energy (52)
  • Lack of Co-ordination (2)
  • Lack of Co-ordination (52)
  • Loss of Appetite (2)
  • Loss of Appetite (97)
  • Loss of Consciousness (2)
  • Loss of Consciousness (138)
  • Loss of IQ (25)
  • Loss of IQ (83)
  • Loss of Spermatogenesis (33)
  • Loss of Spermatogenesis (102)
  • Low Birth Weight (5)
  • Low Birth Weight (158)
  • Lung Cancer (3)
  • Lung cancer (145)
  • Lupus (3)
  • Lupus (101)
  • Magnesium Deficiency (2)
  • Magnesium Deficiency (94)
  • Memory Loss (13)
  • Memory Loss (52)
  • Mental Confusion (20)
  • Mental Confusion (52,54)
  • Migraine (8)
  • Migraine (52)
  • Monisiliasis (Candidasis) (162)
  • Monisiliasis (Candidasis) (161)
  • More fluorosis/high altitudes (30,31)
  • More hypothyroidism/high altitudes (96)
  • Mouth Sores (2)
  • Mouth Sores (87)
  • Myalgia (Muscle Pain) (2)
  • Myalgia (58)
  • Myotrophy (Muscle wasting) (2)
  • Myotrophy (58)
  • Multiple Sclerosis (4)
  • Multiple Sclerosis (126)
  • Muscle Cramps (3)
  • Muscle Cramps (58)
  • Muscle Stiffness (3)
  • Muscle Stiffness (58)
  • Muscle Weakness (2)
  • Muscle Weakness (57)
  • Muscoskeletal Disease (3)
  • Muscoskeletal Disease (80,57)
  • Nausea (8,13)
  • Nausea (52)
  • Osteoarthritis (2)
  • Osteoarthritis (62)
  • Osteoporosis (2)
  • Osteoporosis (62)
  • Osteosarcoma (22b)
  • Osteosarcoma (104)
  • Optic Neuritis (2)
  • Optic Neuritis (68)
  • Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (22)
  • Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (103)
  • Otosclerosis
  • Otosclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease (5)
  • Parkinson’s Disease (110,111)
  • Pins & Needles (18)
  • Pins & Needles (52)
  • Polydipsia (2)
  • Polydipsia (64)
  • Polyneuropathy (2)
  • Polyneuropathy (57)
  • Polyurea (2)
  • Polyurea (64)
  • Pyelocystitis (2)
  • Pyelocystitis (63)
  • Premature Delivery (16)
  • Premature Delivery (52)
  • Pruritis (Itchy Skin) (3)
  • Pruritis (113)
  • Pulminary Edema (2)
  • Pulminary Edema (114)
  • Recurring Colds (18)
  • Recurring Colds (52)
  • Respiratory Complications (13,8)
  • Respiratory Complications (52)
  • Restlessness (13)
  • Restlessness (52)
  • Retinitis (2)
  • Retinitis (128)
  • Rhinitis (38)
  • Rhinitis (6)
  • Schizophrenia (18)
  • Schizophrenia (163, 164)
  • Sceroderma (3)
  • Scleroderma (74)
  • Skin Pigmentation (2)
  • Skin Pigmentation (97)
  • Secondary teeth erupt later (16)
  • Secondary teeth erupt later (86)
  • Sensitive to light (1,17)
  • Sensitive to light (52)
  • Seizures (13)
  • Seizures (88)
  • Shortness of Breath (13)
  • Shortness of Breath (52)
  • SIDS (16)
  • SIDS (54)
  • Sinus Infections (2,8)
  • Sinus Infections (52)
  • Skeletal Changes (2)
  • Skeletal Changes (86)
  • Sleep Disorders (2)
  • Sleep Disorders (52)
  • Slipped Epiphysis
  • Slipped Epiphysis
  • Sluggishness (2)
  • Sluggishness (52)
  • Skin Irritations (13,8)
  • Skin Irritations (52)
  • Spondylitis, ankylosing (5)
  • Spondylitis, ankylosing (148)
  • Stillbirths (2)
  • Stillbirths (97)
  • Swallowing Difficulties (Dysphagia) (13)
  • Swallowing Difficulties (52)
  • Swelling in Face (Angioedema) (3)
  • Swelling in Face (97)
  • Telangiectasia (166)
  • Telangiectasia (167, 168)
  • Testicular Growth/Alteration (2, 42)
  • Testicular Growth/Alteration (102)
  • Thirst (13)
  • Thirst (89)
  • Thrombosis (39)
  • Thrombosis (122, 141a,b)
  • Thyroid Cancer (22)
  • Thyroid Cancer (87)
  • Tinnitus (8)
  • Tinnitus (52)
  • Tingling Sensations(18)
  • Tingling Sensations (52)
  • Visual disturbances (13,8)
  • Visual Disturbances (52)
  • Ulcerative Colitis (41)
  • Ulcerative Colitis (142)
  • Urticaria (2)
  • Urticaria (105, 106, 107)
  • Uterine Bleeding (2)
  • Uterine Bleeding (91)
  • Uterine Cancer (23)
  • Uterine Cancer (77)
  • Vaginal Bleeding (5)
  • Vaginal Bleeding (90)
  • Vas Deferens Alterations (5)
  • Vas Deferens Alterations (146)
  • Vertigo (8)
  • Vertigo (52)
  • Vitiligo (white spots/skin) (2)
  • Vitiligo (73)
  • Weak Pulse (13)
  • Weak Pulse (52)
  • Weight Disturbances (2)
  • Weight Disturbances (52)
  • Zinc Deficiency (2)
  • Zinc Deficiency (94)


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